Achieve a Life-Changing Goal This Year!

It's NEVER too Late to Unleash the Power of Goal Setting

Let's Make This Year

Join “Your Extraordinary Life Plan" and Set Yourself Up for Incredible Success by Achieving a Life-Changing Goal 

When you set goals everything starts to change!

If you absolutely KNEW you couldn’t fail, what goal would you set for yourself? 

I want you to close your eyes and really think about this…

What is one goal you DREAM about achieving because you know that accomplishing it would completely transform your life? 

(And when I say “transform your life,” I mean dramatically up-leveling all areas of your life: your professional life, your home life, your relationships, your free time, your health, your spiritual life – all that good stuff.) 

Maybe for you that game-changing goal is starting your own business or getting a better job within your organization or industry.

Or maybe it’s pursuing another career path altogether.

Maybe it’s finally generating seven figures in revenues or losing 40 lbs and getting healthy again. 

Maybe it’s healing a relationship with an estranged relative, or finding true love at last.   

Or maybe it’s finally writing that book. 

Whatever that goal is for you, know this: YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY ACHIEVE IT!

Join me and I will show you how...

The Your Extraordinary Life Program gives you 6 weeks of a step-by-step visioning and goal setting process so you can launch yourself with a solid plan for reaching your one big life-changing goal!

Discover the Proven Process that Guarantees Your Success in Achieving Any Goal (No Matter How Ambitious!)

A COMPLETE Roadmap FOR Achieving BIG, Ambitious Goals – and Create an Extraordinary Life

"The results you'll achieve will be extraordinary!"
   - Tony Robbins, author of Master the Money Game

This powerful program walks you step by step through the entire process of setting and achieving one big, ambitious goal – then shows you how to repeat the process again and again to create the life you want.

Your Time is Now

Launch yourself to an exciting new vision with the energy & momentum to make your dreams come true. It's never too late!

6 Video Masterclasses

Discover Jack’s ultimate step-by-step goal setting plan in only 6 weeks. Find, set, and achieve your one big goal

Create New Habits & Routines

Adopt new supporting habits and transform yourself with the same routines of highly successful people

It doesn’t matter what goal you want to achieve...

Your Extraordinary Life Plan will give you the tools, support, and road-map you need to achieve it. 

Achieve Your One BIG Goal with Jack Canfield

Achieve Your One Big Goal with a Proven System
Over the Course of 6 Weeks, Jack Will Help You:

Create Your Vision

It’s time to get crystal clear on what you really want your life to look like

Identify Goals

Identify a breakthrough goal that will launch you much closer to your vision

Reach Your Goals

Design a step-by-step roadmap to guide you toward your dreams

Anticipate Obstacles

Identify possible roadblocks  and deal with them before they happen

Create a New Mindset

Develop a powerful mindset that keeps you focused, inspired, and on target

Measure Progress

Track your weekly progress and adapt your plan to align with your reality

And you can accomplish all this in less than 2-3 hours a week!
Plus you’ll get the accountability, motivation, and support to keep your
momentum going strong until you reach your goal.

It Doesn't Matter How Big or Small Your Goal is...

By the end of six weeks, you will be well on your way to accomplishing it – and you will have the skills, resources, and support you need to reach the finish line in record time. Guaranteed.

Let’s be 100% clear...

I’m not suggesting that you can lose 50 pounds in six weeks. That wouldn’t be healthy. Or launch a new six-figure business in six weeks (although I’ve known people to do so), or go from couch potato to marathon runner in six weeks.

Some goals, by their very nature, will require more time.

HOWEVER, six weeks is more than enough time for you to become the kind of person who is capable of achieving your big goal! Plus, you will have acquired the skills and mindset that will empower you to  repeat your success again and again to create the life of your dreams.

Jack Canfield and Oprah Winfrey

"Jack’s true passion is sharing a path to success that can only be achieved by embracing the highest vision each of us has for ourselves."

- Oprah Winfrey
   Philanthropist and Media Mogul

I’ve been helping people from all walks of life achieve extraordinary goals for over 40 years – and I know what works

Hi, I’m Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and author of The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are, to Where You Want to Be.  For more than 40 years, I have helped people move beyond their comfort zone, accomplish massive, unbelievable goals, and create extraordinary lives for themselves.

And I have achieved some extraordinary goals of my own.

I know what it takes to set one goal and achieve it – then repeat the process with confidence and ease, each and every time...

I grew up poor in a go-nowhere town, with a family that didn’t support me. I was an average student. There was nothing particularly special about me. Yet through hard work and perseverance, I managed to earn a scholarship to Harvard, went on to receive a Master’s degree in psychological education, and began a career as a high school teacher at an inner-city school in Chicago.

Since then I have:

  • Become a highly paid corporate consultant who’s worked with many Fortune 500 companies.
  • Created a billion-dollar brand with more than 500 million books sold around the world
  • Earned the Guinness World Record for most titles on the NYT bestseller list at the same time
  • Become one of the world’s leaders in personal development and helped millions of people all over the world change their lives for the better
  • Trained thousands of people to teach my proven success principles across the globe – with plans to train hundreds of thousands more
And it all started with me achieving that first big, ambitious goal.
Now I want to help you do the same!

Here's what you'll accomplish in 6 weeks...


Week 1: Define Your Extraordinary Life

Get clear on your vision of an Extraordinary Life – so you can identify an Extraordinary Goal that will propel you much closer to making your biggest dreams a reality.


Week 2: Choose Your Extraordinary Goal

Choose a goal that is aligned with your highest vision – and start clearing your path of obstacles that might be holding you back from achieving more, faster.


Week 3: Take Extraordinary Action

Create your step-by-step goal achievement plan – and launch yourself into powerful action toward making your goal a reality.


Week 4: Develop an Extraordinary Mindset

Learn powerful mindset techniques that will help you overcome any obstacle and stay motivated as you work through your action steps in pursuit of your big goal.


Week 5: Make Extraordinary Progress

Discover my most powerful productivity techniques for staying focused and on target so you can continue making steady progress toward your goal.


Week 6: Live Your Extraordinary Life

Keep building on what you’ve accomplished, so you can stay inspired and maintain your forward momentum until you’ve achieved your big goal – then repeat your success again and again as you expand your vision of what’s possible and create your Extraordinary Life.

"If you are looking for a magic bullet to improve your life, career, and relationships, Jack Canfield's program delivers it in spades. Apply its power, then get ready to join the ranks of the world's highest achievers!"

- Raymond Aaron
   Bestselling author and Business Coach

If you allowed yourself to dream big, without any restrictions, what goal would you most love to accomplish?

I want you to know, that goal is entirely within your grasp.  All you have to do is take the first step.

Get FAST results with Jack's proven system:

  • Action-based and fluff-free
  • Create a vision for your life
  • Set life-changing goals aligned with that vision
  • Clear, straightforward action plan and workbook
  • Build your plan to stay accountable and on track
  • Develop the energy and drive to achieve your goal
  • Find your path to a truly spectacular life
ACT NOW, and get these great bonuses!

Learn How to Release Negative Feelings and Reclaim Your Power 

Jack's Law of Attraction  Masterclass to Activate it's Forces in Your Life

Inspiring Stories from Jack's Students to Keep You Motivated

Recorded Q&A Sessions for Overcoming Common Obstacles and Questions 

Look at What Past Students are Saying...

Latecia Gabbi-Lewis

Happy client

Eternally grateful for the priceless lessons...

"I've been inspired to achieve my weight-loss goals, lead a more positive and fulifilling life, and write my very own book telling my story! I'm eternally grateful for Jack's priceless lessons and for having taught me how to shape my future!"

Jenny Cleary

Happy client

I was able to turn my life around...

"After applying Jack's principles, I was able to turn my life around. I went from being $30,000 in debt, to saving my business from failure, paying off my debt, and created savings for a new home and retirement all in just under a year."

Frank Wolf, D.D.S.

Happy client

I retired early...

"Jack Canfield inspired and helped me to reach all the professionl goals that I set for myself when I was in dental school and allowed me to retire from clinical dentisty at the age of 42!"

It's Everything You Need to Design an Extraordinary Life!

  • 6 in-depth video modules led by goals master Jack Canfield. Learn all the steps you need to build a roadmap to your dream life. Includes downloadable workbooks and action guides
  • 4 previously recorded Q&A sessions to help you overcome obstacles, address common questions, and give you motivation you as you pursue your goals
  • Additional bonuses to support your journey as you develop your vision and create your action plan
  • Weekly email check-ins to inspire you and help you stay on task toward your ultimate goal
  • 24/7 online access to the course materials
  • Private Extraordinary Life Facebook Group where you’ll find our vibrant community of goal achievers

ONLY: $397

Questions? Contact us at (805) 881-5191
or email:

30-Day Guarantee

100% Guaranteed

I want you to feel great about your decision. Take your time to enjoy your course and put the proven strategies to work for you in your life. If for any you are not completely satisfied with your product, just let us know within 30 days of purchasing the course, and we will issue you a full 100% product refund.

Lifetime Access

Take the course in your own time and refer back to the lessons anytime.


Your purchase is safe and secure. We never share your personal information.

100% Guaranteed

You’re covered by Jack’s “love it or your money back” 30-day guarantee.

Breann Lamnek

Happy Client

Absolutely changed my life!

The YELP program has really helped me get into ACTION. I didn't really think I was working the program, but now I realize it was the catalyst that propelled me into making DECISIONS, not just hoping and wishing. Quitting my job was the best thing I could have done, and without this program, I'm not sure I would've had the confidence or courage to follow through. This program has absolutely changed my life and I am very grateful!!"

Becky Parker Geist

Happy Client

Great results in just a few weeks!

"YELP provides a step-by-step way to move forward, to take charge of your life and open up to the support of community and the universe at large so that it can happen. I had great results after engaging in the process for just a few weeks. I've been a fan and follower of Jack Canfield for many years, and life just keeps getting better!"

Jamie Sheridan Goins

Happy Client

I'm a HUGE Fan...

"I am such a huge fan of the workbooks included in this program. If you aren't downloading these and using them, I highly recommend you check them out!!! It really helps you stick to the program and stay accountable!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I receive anything in the mail?

No, this product 100% digital. That means you get instant access to all the videos, handouts, and resources and can begin your journey right away.

What happens after I purchase Your Extraordinary Life Plan?

Once you submit your order, you’ll receive an email with your login details, which you’ll use to access your private member dashboard. That’s where you’ll find the schedule of video lessons, weekly assignments, and other resources. You will also receive an email confirmation of your purchase.

How is this different from Jack's other programs? 

All of these products help you level up your life in different ways. The Success Principles book teaches you 67 powerful principles that will help you achieve more success in life. The 30-Day Journey helps you learn and practice a different success principle every day for 30 days, so you can level up your life in all areas.

Breakthrough to Success Online is an intensive Masterclass where you do an interactive deep dive into Jack’s most powerful success principles and experience a breakthrough in some area of your life, where you might have previously been held back.

Your Extraordinary Life Plan is unique because it helps you identify and achieve one specific BIG, ambitious goal that is guaranteed to have a profound impact on your life – and it offers the tools and support you need to maintain your motivation and momentum until you reach your goal.

Can I get access to the complete program all at once or in weekly installments? 

You'll get access to all of the modules immediately. 

What if I can’t complete all the lessons in six weeks because I get sick or am going on vacation? 

Life happens. If something prevents you from completing all the weekly lessons in six weeks, you can simply modify your plan to allow for the interruption and pick up where you left off once you get back. Your Extraordinary Life Plan is a living document that can be adapted to your needs, so it aligns with your life and recognizes your existing obligations while allowing you to maintain your forward momentum.

How long will I have access to the program? 

You will have lifetime access to the Extraordinary Life online course and Facebook group for as long as this product is offered.

What if I have a question or need support? 

My team and I are always here to help. Simply give us a call at 805-881-5191 or email us at and we'll be happy to assist you.

What if this product doesn't meet my needs?

No problem – We offer a full 30-day money-back guarantee. If you order Your Extraordinary Life Plan today and don’t agree that it’s worth every penny, we will promptly refund your money. No questions asked.

"Jack Canfield is a true master. He understands what it takes to lead a successful life, and he puts all of the key elements in one place for the rest of the world to see."

- T. Harv Eker
   Author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

It's Everything You Need to Build Your Dream Life & Achieve Something BIG!



Contact us at (805) 881-5191 |

Copyright © 2023 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All rights reserved.

Jack Canfield is a registered trademark of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. The Success Principles is the common law trademark of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P.