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REPLAY: The ‘Reignite Your Life’ Masterclass with Jack Canfield!

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Reignite Your Life: 90 Days of Success Principles Coaching

Here's How You Can Reignite Your Life, Master the Law of Attraction & Create More Success... Rapidly... So You Can Get from Where You Are, to Where You Want to Be

STARTING THIS MAY:  Join #1 Bestselling Author of The Success Principles and Star of The Secret Jack Canfield  for 90 Days Of Laser-Targeted Transformation, Coaching, and Breakthroughs… and Make 2024 Your Biggest, Best and Most Abundant Year of Your Life – Ever!

Whether you want to fulfill your personal or professional goals, dramatically increase your income, or manifest your deepest Life Purpose… Jack Canfield’s World Class Success Principles Training will give you a road map the life you always dreamed of.

🔥90 Days

Interactive Training

📅 May 29

Class Kickoff

Dear Motivated Success Seeker,

Hi, I’m Jack Canfield – the #1 bestselling author of The Success Principles and the Chicken Soup For The Soul series, and a star of The Secret…

And if you are committed to making 2024 your biggest, most successful and most abundant year ever… this could be one of the most important letters you ever read.

The reason why is I’d like to invite you to join me for 90 days of targeted transformation, breakthroughs and life-changing insights in my most famous Coaching Program: Reignite Your Life - based on my bestselling book, The Success Principles.

If you choose to do so, your life will be changed… forever

Here’s how it works: 

Over the next 90 days – with my personal help, coaching, and support – we will be focused on ONE thing only:

Helping YOU to Transform the SINGLE Most Important Area Of Your Life… Rapidly!

Stop and imagine this for a moment:

Whether you want to fulfill more of your personal or professional goals… create an exciting new lifestyle… start a new Passion Business you love… make more money… or even achieve your deepest Life Purpose in 2024…

I can help you!

That’s why I’m working with you to help you decide on your next BIG Breakthrough goal… Eliminate the Limiting Beliefs which are holding you back… Create an ‘Action Plan’ for your new success… and help you achieve #1 BIGGEST goal for 2024…

Easily, effortlessly… and with way more fun than you think!

YES: You get to choose the exact area of life that I help you with.

And, working together closely over the next 90 days, I will help you to achieve your next big goal… Take 100% Responsibility for your results… Take Inspired Action… Raise your Vibrational Frequency… Attract Abundance… and master the Law of Attraction. (And more! Much more!)

This means I’ll help you  to go from where you are now, to where you want to be – so you can Reignite Your Life, create prosperity, get more belief, take more action… and attain the success, wellbeing and “Big Life” you desire and deserve.

If that sounds and feels good to you…

Here’s How Reignite Your Life Works:

First, I’m going to host FIVE live group coaching sessions with you, over the 90 days starting May 29th.

YES: I will be your private “Success Coach”, helping you personally grow and achieve your dreams.

We’re going to sit down together… figure out what you want most in life… then conjure up a proven action plan for you to go and get it!

Look: over the past 40 years, I’ve made it my life’s work to research, understand – then teach – the “secret” principles of success… and I’ll be giving you the very best of what I’ve EVER learned.

I’ll be working with you personally to:

  • Decide what your “Breakthrough Goal” is for 2024… the #1 most important goal that will truly change your life, forever… and then manifest this Dream, in only 90 days (or even sooner.)
  • Take 100% Responsibility for your life… so your results will dramatically, rapidly, and permanently change for the better. (Plus, this means you will get more control and power in your life.)
  • Master the Law of Attraction… so you can Ask, Believe and Receive what you want – on demand – each and every time. (If you ever struggled with the LOA before… I can help you!)
  • Identify and Eliminate the Limiting Beliefs that are holding you back… and then “program” NEW empowering beliefs, deep in your genius Subconscious Mind. (Essential!)
  • Tap into the proven power of Creative Visualization, Affirmations and Intention Setting… so you can get more of what you want, and less of what you don’t want in 2024.
  • Overcome Procrastination and Perfectionism.… and start to take Inspired Action on your goals – easily and effortlessly. (If you ever struggled to take action… THIS IS FOR YOU.)
  • Reignite Your Life by achieving your #1 biggest goal for 2024… in the first 90 days (or even sooner!)

And more… Much, much more! 

Just imagine:   By the end of our 90 days together, you will have achieved your #1 biggest goal for 2024… Raised your Vibrational Frequency… Got more belief… Let go of your fears, doubts, and insecurities… Stopped self-sabotage in its tracks… And you will feel more powerful, abundant, and inspired than ever before. 

But even that’s just the start, because:

Reignite Your Life is Designed to Transform Your Life & Results… Fast!

We’re leaving nothing to chance here…

That’s why – in addition to FIVE World Class Live Group Coaching Sessions with me – I’m also bringing in one of the most powerful, successful and brilliant women you’ll ever meet… to help you too.

Her name is Patty Aubery, and she’s been the driving force behind my business (and much of my success) for over 30 years…

And get this:  I’ve asked Patty to host Monthly Live Coaching Sessions with YOU – to help you achieve even bigger results.

Here’s why you need this:

Patty has a wealth of experience for you to learn from; she was the brand builder for my Chicken Soup For The Soul Series, and is the President of my company The Canfield Training Group.

Plus, Patty is the chief negotiator, rainmaker, developer, manager and champion of my companies… and she’s a New York Times bestselling author in her own right, + a World Class Success Coach.

And, excitingly, yes: Patty will be helping coach and support you in Reignite Your Life walking you step-by-step through the strategies, mindset and action steps you need to achieve your biggest goals and Life Purpose.

Together, Patty and I can – and will – help you reignite your life!  All you need to do is make the decision to join us.

It's the coaching and mentorship you need to achieve something incredible! Plus, look at what you're getting... like:

World Class Community, Support and Accountability in our Private Facebook Group

You’ve probably heard The Success Principle “Success Leaves Clues”, and “You Become Like Those You Hang Around With”… and, I agree 100%!

That’s why ALL Reignite Your Life students will get VIP access to my Private Facebook Community – an exclusive place you can come to ask questions, meet new friends and business partners, celebrate your wins, connect with like-minded people, get an accountability partner… and get the World Class help, support and guidance you desire and deserve to reach your highest level of success, abundance and wellbeing.

And, even better, there’s NO extra charge. I’ve got you!

I believe this Private Facebook Group will be one of the most valuable parts of the entire Reignite Your Life system for you. That’s because I’ve been a founder – and member – of many Mastermind Groups over the years… and the people, ideas, support, encouragement, and help you get access to are PRICELESS.

As Napoleon Hill wrote in his classic book Think and Grow Rich: 

“No individual can attain great power without a Mastermind group.  A Mastermind has been the basis of nearly every great fortune… Your understanding of this great truth will determine your financial status in life…”

Stop for a moment and imagine that! 

If, like me, you’re “sold” on the power of having a Mastermind Group and Like-Minded Community to work, play, partner with and learn from… you will love Reignite Your Life, and the people you’ll meet and connect with.

I’m investing heavily in your success – and this VIP group will help you to get from where you are now, to where you want to be… Fast.

And YES:  Your Success Should Be FUN!


By now, you’ll know I’m a true believer in the idea that creating success and attracting abundance should be… FUN and EXCITING!

That’s why I’m also going to be hosting weekly and monthly Action Challenges with you and the other Reignite Your Life students during the next 90 days.

This will “gamify” your 90 days with me… to bring the best out of you, reward you for taking action, and make the next 12 weeks some of the most enjoyable, fun and memorable moments of your life so far.

And yes: there are big, exciting, and unique PRIZES and GIVEAWAYS for the winners!

So, in addition to potentially hitting your #1 biggest goal for 2024 in the first 90 days inside Reignite Your Life… You also have a great chance of being rewarded (with amazing prizes) for stepping up and creating success in your life.

That’s a “win/win” if I ever heard one!

Here’s What People Like YOU Are Saying About The Power & Results of Reignite Your Life…

 Inspired me at a whole new level!  Reignite really did reignite me! My book entered the Amazon Bestseller list and I turned it into an online program that’s been attracting media interest worldwide as a new approach to health. Reignite boosted my confidence and self-belief. I don’t think this would be happening if I hadn’t joined this program.


PROFOUND COACHING!   Jack helped to restore my self-esteem and courage to pursue my dreams. Today, I am finally working as a school principal and writing my first book. I also will be facilitating a professional development learning series with other school leaders across the country. This was all made possible through the coaching, mentoring, accountability and collaboration I experienced in this program. I AM SO GRATEFUL that I am on the road to career success. 

- stephanie nimene, REIGNITE PARTICIPANT

"During this program, I got a new job which nearly doubled my income, reduced my consumer debt by $4K, got a new apartment, began using the habit tracker to prioritize and achieve goals , and got my website launched. I love, love, love this group and this program."

Catrina Campbell

Reignite participant

"I was literally lost and did not know who I was when this course began. I know and LOVE who I am and what brings me joy. I know my purpose in life and I feel unstoppable. This journey literally re-ignited my life!"

Heidi Greene

Reignite participant

"I received a promotion and achieved my breakthrough goal of doubling my income. My confidence and mindset has changed and expanded. People have said I stand up for myself more, and now I 'feel' so much better about my situations and my life."

Jackie Gamez

Reignite participant

Join Us Now For The Most Advanced Success and Law of Attraction Coaching You Can Get… From The World’s Most Famous Success Trainer!

Overall, I am confident Reignite Your Life is the #1 most advanced and effective success, goal-achievement and Law of Attraction coaching available – anywhere.

This “hands on” program with me is the result of over 40 years of research, optimization and real-world experience with literally millions of people, from all over the world.

Remember: over the next 90 days you’ll benefit from EXCLUSIVE access to me, powerful LIVE coaching sessions, get your questions answered and coaching with Patty Aubery, and be part of a thriving, exclusive community of like-minded success seekers.

YES: I am personally invested in your success…

And, as such, I can – and will – help you to Reignite Your Life in 2024, master the Law of Attraction and create more success… in only 90 days (or even sooner)… Guaranteed.

And here’s the best news of all for you:

I’m Making This As Affordable As Possible!

I’m truly not certain if I will ever run this Coaching Program again… so I want to make it easy for you to “say yes” today.

And that’s why the investment for one of the limited spaces at my Reignite Your Life coaching program is not $20,000... $10,000… $5,000… or even $2,000…

You can enroll now for only $995  $697 – and that’s the lowest price you’ll ever get access to such life-changing coaching, PRIVATE access to me, AND get to ask me your specific questions… so you can finally create true success, abundance, and wellbeing in your life.

Imagine: Using what you learn from me over the next 90 days to come up with just ONE money-making idea… and your small investment has completely paid for itself. And that’s just from the first idea!

Imagine:  How huge an impact this will have on you in the months, years and decades to come… what this could be worth to your bank account, self-esteem, belief… let alone your spiritual wellbeing and overall enjoyment of life. (Clue: it’s priceless!)

Imagine:  Imagine what it will FEEL like, just 90 short days from now (or even sooner)… when you tell your friends that you have already manifested your #1 biggest Breakthrough Goal for the year. This is Huge!

YES:   Whichever way you look at it, it’s going to be easy – and fun – for you to generate a significant Return on Investment (ROI).


This opportunity is *extremely limited* because of the intense time, focus, and attention needed in order to provide you with results.

Simply put: it’s impossible for me to work with a large group here.

Not to mention your first Coaching Session – where I will help you DECIDE on your #1 Breakthrough Goal to achieve during our 90 days together – takes place very soon, on May 29, 2024.

And: this is the lowest price I’ve ever offered for 1-on-1 access to me.

So with all that said, I expect places to fill up fast.

So if this resonates with you and it feels right, and you’re ready to take the next step, join us! 

Enroll now, 100% risk free:

YES, Jack! I Want to Reignite My Life in 2024!

Get 90 Days of Targeted Transformation with Jack Canfield & Patty Aubery
Total Program Cost $997



/ or only 3 payments of $249!

Reignite Your Life 2024 includes:

  • 3 Months of World-Class Training, Coaching & Support to achieve your goals, starting May 29, 2024.
  • 5 Live Masterclasses with Jack Canfield
  • Monthly Action Guides with Progress Tracking
  • Monthly Coaching Zone with Patty Aubery
  • Guided Meditations for focus and ease
  • Recorded Classes with Guest Mentors
  • 24/7 Access to Class Recordings & Resources
  • Incredible Community in our Facebook Group
  • Monthly Challenges and Giveaways
  • 15 Day Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
  • LOA Bonuses for a limited time


Jack Canfield’s ULTIMATE Law of Attraction Collection of Courses, Meditations, and Guided Visualizations (Value: $150.00)

You’ll love this!

I just created a BRAND NEW collection of FOUR World Class LOA programs – designed to be the world’s #1 resource for learning (and mastering) the Law of Attraction…

… And YES: I want to give this collection to you, FREE!

First, you’re getting The Law of Attraction Amplifier – a brilliant program I created with my legendary friend and colleague Dr. Paul Scheele, from Learning Strategies Corporation.

This includes a fantastic Audio Training Course – alongside THREE exclusive, “Done For You” Guided Paraliminals… the #1 personal growth and visualization tool I’ve ever used.

Literally all you do is listen, and you’ll be guided into a High Vibration… effortlessly… where you’ll find it quick, easy and fun to manifest ANY intention or desire.

Look: the guided Paraliminals will help you to access your genius Subconscious Mind – so you can automatically attract more success, abundance and wellbeing into your life.

PLUS: you’re also getting THREE extra Bonus Programs:

  • My 2 hour Living The Law of Attraction Masterclass – which many people have called the best “Beginner’s Guide” to manifesting with the Law of Attraction they’ve ever tried… which you’ll love…
  • The Success Principles 10 Day Challenge… a fun, fast-paced, quick way to generate HUGE results in your life, in only 10 days…
  • And Awakening Power: two guided meditations and visualizations I recorded to help you manifest abundance and success.

And YES, you really are getting all this for free when you enroll in Reignite Your Life 2024 today… As my gift to you. Join us!

YES! I Want to Reignite My Life

Get 90 Days of Targeted Transformation with Jack Canfield & Patty Aubery
Total Program Cost $997



/ or 3-payments of $249

Reignite Your Life 2024 includes:

  • 3 Months of World-Class Training, Coaching & Support to achieve your goals, starting May 29, 2024.
  • 5 Live Masterclasses with Jack Canfield
  • Monthly Action Guides with Progress Tracking
  • Monthly Coaching Zone with Patty Aubery
  • Guided Meditations for focus and ease
  • Recorded Classes with Guest Mentors
  • 24/7 Access to Class Recordings & Resources
  • Incredible Community in our Facebook Group
  • Monthly Challenges and Giveaways
  • 15 Day Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
  • LOA  Bonuses for a limited time

Don’t Decide Now… Try Reignite Your Life for 15 Days (100% Money Back Guarantee!)

Here’s one final thing I want to share with you:

I am so convinced that working with me over the next 90 days will transform your life, belief, finances, achievements and feelings of success… that I’m going to let you take the entire coaching program – before deciding whether to keep it!

So here’s what I’m asking you:

Don’t decide now.

Simply enroll in Reignite Your Life – just take a chance on yourself!

Then, I have TWO incredible guarantees for you, to make your investment today a total “no brainer” and completely risk free:

First up, you have an UNCONDITIONAL 100%, 15 day money back guarantee. This means that, in the first 15 days, if for ANY reason you don’t love the program (in every sense of the word)… simply send my friendly and high vibration customer support team a quick email… and I’ll insist on a prompt and friendly 100% refund, with no questions asked.

But that’s just the start… because I know full well that when you show up, attend the live trainings with me (and Patty!), and do the simple action steps we suggest… you will succeed tremendously.

That’s why I want to offer you a second guarantee, for your ultimate peace of mind:

If you attend all the classes (live or replay), do the simple action steps I give you, and take part over the 90 days… and you still don’t feel like your life has transformed… simply email my team, and we will STILL send you a prompt and friendly 100% refund.

That’s it! Literally all you have to do is show up.

Hopefully, by now, you’ll have had the insight that you have nothing to lose… and potentially a brand new life of success, abundance, belief, action, prosperity, passion and purpose to gain by joining us.

That’s how confident I am that Reignite Your Life will change you and your results in life… forever.

So now it’s the time for you to…

Join Us and Discover How Amazing Your Life Can Be!

If you’re excited by the potential of transforming your results, achieving your #1 Breakthrough Goal for 2024 in the next 90 days (or even sooner) and having ME as your personal success coach…

I invite you to enroll in Reignite Your Life 2024 right now.

You’re getting five BRAND NEW and LIVE Coaching Sessions with me… Powerful monthly coaching and support from Patty Aubrey – the driving force behind my business (and much of my success) for over 30 years… A VIP Mastermind Group… and brand new bonuses you simply can’t get anywhere else.

Imagine: just 90 short days from now (or even faster) you will be armed with the most powerful, proven and cutting-edge tools for creating success you could ever wish to learn. You will know how to set – and achieve – your Big Breakthrough Goals. You’ll be taking 100% responsibility for your life. And you’ll be living authentically with your unique Life’s Purpose… and much more.

So, When Is NOW A Good Time To Reignite Your Life?

It’s really up to you now.   

Check in with your intuition and ask yourself:

  • Do I want to live the best life imaginable?
  • Do I want to inspire my friends and family with what’s possible?
  • Do I want to fulfill my personal and professional goals, dramatically increase my income, and manifest my deepest Life Purpose in 2024?
  • And do I want to master the Law of Attraction, raise my vibration, and manifest the biggest – and best – year of my life so far?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then please do whatever it takes to join my brand new Reignite Your Life 2024 Coaching Class.

Like I said, it will change your life!

From my heart to yours, I will see you there.

YES! I Want to Reignite My Life

Get 90 Days of Targeted Transformation with Jack Canfield & Patty Aubery
Total Program Cost $997



/ or 3-payments of $249

Reignite Your Life 2024 includes:

  • 3 Months of World-Class Training, Coaching & Support to achieve your goals, starting May 29, 2024.
  • 5 Live Masterclasses with Jack Canfield
  • Monthly Action Guides with Progress Tracking
  • Monthly Coaching Zone with Patty Aubery
  • Guided Meditations for focus and ease
  • Recorded Classes with Guest Mentors
  • 24/7 Access to Class Recordings & Resources
  • Incredible Community in our Facebook Group
  • Monthly Challenges and Giveaways
  • 15 Day Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
  • LOA Bonuses for a limited time

Remember, our first class is on May 29th – I can’t wait to meet you!

Much Love & Success in 2024, 

P.S.  Please remember, this is likely the LAST time I ever host Reignite Your Life as a live class, with coaching… so to keep the class size manageable, places are strictly limited.

This means we are very likely to sell out soon.

So if what you’ve read on this page resonates with you… I invite you to stop what you’re doing, take action, and enroll now while there’s still space for you.

Remember:  this is the ONLY coaching program which teaches you how to Reignite Your Life, Achieve Your #1 Breakthrough Goal for the year, and Live Your Life’s Purpose…. Plus, you’re getting a 100% DOUBLE GUARANTEE… so if you don’t love the program in the first 15 days, you simply get a refund.

This means that literally the only way you can “lose” here is by waiting too long to register, and missing out on your spot.

(Not to mention the incredible NEW Bonuses I created for you!)

Plus, I even added a generous Payment Plan – in case you prefer to pay in small installments. It’s totally up to you…

I’ll finish by reminding you that for the past 40 years, I’ve made it my life’s work to research, understand – then teach – the “Secret” principles of success… And I’ll be “pulling back the curtain” to work with you personally to learn and master this in your own life.

So check in with your intuition, and if it feels right… join us now for 90 days of the most life-changing transformation you can imagine.

Here’s What Top Experts Say About Me & My Work

Oprah Winfrey

Media Mogul & Force of Good

"Jack’s true passion is sharing a path to success that can only be achieved by embracing the highest vision each of us has for ourselves."

Tony Robbins

World Authority on Leadership Phychology

"Jack Canfield's principles are simple, but the results you'll acheive will be extraordinary."

John Assaraf

CEO of NeuroGym

"Jack can teach anyone how to be more successful and much happier doing what they love to do."

Here's What Past Reignite Your Life Students Said About Your Next 90 Days With Me…

"Enormous gratitude for the transformative Reignite Your Life Coaching Program. In four months, I've evolved from self-doubt to a confident entrepreneur with a clear vision. This program ignited my courage to pursue my 20-year dream in real estate and create my first online course. I've grown as a spouse, parent, and individual, ready to support others. Highly recommend this program for personal and business growth."

-Grace Want, reignite PARTICIPANT

"This time in Reignite Your Life, my focus shifted to enhancing joy and elevating my vibrancy. Daily practices like singing, dancing, nature immersion, meditation, gratitude, and quality time with loved ones became consistent. I'm now relishing life more than I have in a year, reconnecting with myself after a tumultuous time. Grateful for this transformation. Best wishes on your journeys, everyone!"


"Reignite Your Life empowered me to adopt healthy habits and cultivate positivity. I've grown more aware of my life's areas needing improvement and the necessary steps for progress. This community has been incredibly inspiring! 🥰🙏🤩🧡"

- Yolanda Fil, reignite PARTICIPANT

Grateful for such a transformative program.  Jack's honesty prompted self-reflection, revealing how ego hindered my growth. Reaching out with honesty and humility opened major doors. Overcoming victim mentality and shifting negative thoughts to positive ones transformed my life and income. Now practicing daily meditation and spiritual readings. This workshop should be called RE-ENLIGHTEN YOURSELF! 🙏🏼🌅

- Nina Irwin, reignite PARTICIPANT


When are the Live Reignite Classes?

** Most all sessions are held on Wednesday at 10am Pacific. Recorded replays available in your member portal withing 24 hours.


Can I participate in the program if I have a busy schedule?

A: Yes, the program is designed to be flexible and can accommodate busy schedules. There are always replays for every call and your materials are available in your dedicated member portal. The key is consistent participation and application of the principles in your daily life, even if that's in small, manageable steps.

How is this different from Breakthrough to Success?

Answer:   Breakthrough to Success Weekend is a three-day event that offers a powerful immersion into Jack’s proven Success Principles, while Breakthrough to Success Online is an online version of that training, in which the teachings are conveyed primarily through educational video modules. 

Reignite Your Life, on the other hand, is an online group coaching program with live Zoom sessions for 90 days, along with coaching sessions every month. In other words, there’s a lot more “face to face” time (via Zoom) with Patty and me. 

Plus there’s a lot more accountability, with assignments you are required to submit for review to my team, as well as the community who are all going to be going through the coaching program with you and are sure to offer great camaraderie and support as you work toward your goals. 

It’s the perfect mix of live coaching, online study, and group accountability!  

Can I read Jack's book and get the same information?

Answer:  Our Reignite Your Life program is not “information” – it’s “transformation.” 

It’s an experience that leads you through the process of finally changing your reality to match your vision. For many (perhaps for you), it will be the first time you’ve truly clarified your vision for your life. 

While you may have heard me talking about this in my audio programs, or read about it in my book The Success Principles, or watched “The Secret”… this is different. The books, DVDs and audio programs are maps. Reignite is the actual journey, with the guidance, support, and accountability you need to reach your destination. 

This group coaching program will be especially helpful to you if you have watched “The Secret” and haven’t quite figured out how to put the Law of Attraction to work. The success strategies you’ll learn during our coaching sessions are the mechanism that will put the Law of Attraction to practical work in your life - and the accountability and support to succeed!

 How much time will I need to commit to this program?

Answer:  Participants should be prepared to commit to the monthly teaching and coaching calls, along with additional time for implementing the strategies and exercises discussed. On average, you might expect to dedicate a few hours each week to see meaningful results.

What if I'm not sure what I want to focus on?

Answer:  If you're unsure, the program begins with a process to help you identify the area of your life that will most benefit from transformation. This ensures that your journey is both meaningful and impactful.

What kind of support can I expect during the program?

Answer:  You'll receive support through structured teaching calls, group coaching sessions, and access to program materials. Additionally, there are opportunities to connect with fellow participants for peer support.

How does the guarantee work?

Answer:  Enroll in the program, and if you don’t agree it’s worth every penny we said it was, we will promptly refund your money. No risk. No hassle.  Just contact support at  customerservice@jackcanfield.com and we will refund your money if it’s within 15 days of your purchase date.

Are there any prerequisites for joining the program?

Answer:   There are no specific prerequisites, but participants should come with an open mind, readiness to engage deeply, and a commitment to personal growth.


90 Days of Targeted Transformation with Jack Canfield & Patty Aubery

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Copyright © 2024 Jack Canfield, Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All rights reserved. 

Jack Canfield and Jack Canfield’s The Success Principles is a registered trademark of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P.

Our support team is available to answer questions, and help you or your group get registered.

(805) 881-5191 


Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm Pacific
Saturday-Sunday: closed