How to Have Difficult Conversations: A Step-By-Step Guide

Discover A Proven Process to Help You Communicate Your Truth, Release Negative Emotions, and Reclaim Your Power

  • Free yourself from unspoken words or feelings, and how to express  them in a healthy, healing way
  • Easy to use, fill in-the-blank template for speaking with honesty and integrity – and reconnect with your authentic self 
  • Learn how to forgive those who have hurt you (and break their hold over you) and open the door to greater joy, connection, and purpose in your life.
  • Liberate yourself from the past and refocus your energy and attention on creating your ideal future

By using the amazing power of these simple techniques, there is no longer any reason to let fear, anger, past hurts, or unexpressed emotions stop you from achieving anything you want.

Jack Canfield 

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