Categories: Life & Spirituality

How to Navigate Your Inner GPS To Find Your Purpose In Life

What if I told you that you have your own guidance system within you that can help you get from where you are in life to where you want to go?

It’s called your inner GPS.

I’m sure the first question you have is, “What is my inner GPS?”

Your inner GPS is similar to the GPS system you use in your car or on your phone. It tells you how to get from point A to point B.

When you get in your car and are heading to a specific destination, what is the first thing you input into your GPS? First, it finds your current location. Once it’s determined where you are, it gives you directions to where you are heading.

For the system to work, it simply needs to know your beginning location and your end destination. The navigation system figures out the rest by the use of an onboard computer that receives signals from multiple satellites and calculates your exact position. Then it plots a perfect course for you.

All you have to do from that point on is follow the instructions it gives you to reach your destination.

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Success in Life Works Like a GPS

Success in life works the same way:

All you have to do is decide where you want to go by clarifying your vision, then lock in your destination through goal setting, affirmations, and visualization, and then start taking the actions that will move you in the right direction.

With every picture you visualize, you’re “inputting” the destination you want to get to.

Every time you express a preference for something, you are expressing an intention.

A table by the window, front row seats at a conference, first-class tickets, a room with an ocean view, or a loving relationship.

All these images and thoughts are sending requests to the universe.

If you stay out of its way—meaning you don’t interrupt the process with a stream of negative thoughts, doubts, and fears, your inner GPS will keep unfolding the next steps along your route as you continue to move forward.

In other words, once you clarify and then stay focused on your vision, the exact steps will keep appearing along the way in the form of internal guidance, creating ideas, and new opportunities.

Be Clear and Focused About What You Want

Once you are clear about what you want and keep your mind constantly focused on it, the how will keep showing up—sometimes just when you need it and not a moment earlier.

You were born with an inner guidance system that tells you when you are on or off course by the amount of joy you are experiencing. The things that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose in life and will get you to where you want to go.

When you present your goals to the universe with all its powerful technology, you will be surprised and dazzled by what it delivers. This is where the magic and miracles truly happen.

Where is Your Inner GPS Taking You?

Take some time to think honestly and openly about where you currently are in your life.

What is your financial status? How are your relationships going? How is your health? And so on…

Next, think about where you would like to be.

If your life were perfect right now, what would it look like? What kind of job would you have and where would you be living? By continually doing this exercise, you’ll send powerful triggers to your subconscious mind to help you get there.

And remember to leave a comment below and share with us your ideal vision for your life!

You can learn more success strategies like the ones in this article, by clicking the button below to get the first two chapters of my book The Success Principles for free.