Business & Leadership

The Coaching Spirit: 8 Principles for Coaching Success

My life’s purpose is to motivate, inspire and empower people and organizations to live their highest vision in the context of love and joy.

I’ve been coaching and training for the last 40 years of my life and have built an entire coaching division of my company where together, we’ve been able to successfully coach thousands of people to get past their roadblocks and create massive success, joy, and prosperity in their lives.

Throughout this time, I have deeply connected with my coaching spirit and developed 8 life coaching principles that create the foundation of successful trainers.

In my book, Coaching for Breakthrough Success, my co-author, Dr. Peter Chee, and I provide business professionals with various coaching principles that they can put to use every single day.

We explain how to draw out solutions from employees through effective listening, asking great questions, using feedback, appreciating and continuously supporting people to take ownership and be accountable for taking action to realize their goals.

Below is a list of principles that can be effectively used for coaching success.

The Coaching Spirit

  1. Believe in Human Potential for Greatness
  2. Fulfillment Flows from Adding Value to Others
  3. Bring Out the Best in People and Let Them Lead
  4. Use Influence Rather than Position
  5. Thrive on Challenges and Flexibility
  6. When We Grow Others, We Grow Ourselves
  7. A Coach Still Needs a Coach

Relationship and Trust

  1. Maintain Authentic Rapport and Humor
  2. Touch a Heart with Care and Sincerity
  3. Practice Integrity and Build Trust

Asking Questions and Curiosity

  1. Curiosity Ignites Your Spirit
  2. Ask Questions that Empower and Create Buy-In
  3. Avoid Judgmental and Advice-Oriented Questions
  4. Powerful Questions Release Solutions
  5. Asking Great Questions Requires Practice

Listening and Intuition

  1. Listen Rather Than Tell
  2. Be Present and Turn Off Your Inner Dialogue
  3. Avoid Jumping to Premature Conclusions
  4. Be Impartial and Nonjudgmental
  5. Listen Deeply, Use Observation and Intuition

Tip: Click here to learn how to meditate for clarity, intuition and mindfulness. 

Feedback and Awareness

  1. Embrace Feedback to Triumph
  2. Awareness and Acceptance Cultivates Transformation

Suggestions and Simplification

  1. Get Consent Before Giving Suggestions
  2. Use the Power of Simplicity
  3. Study the habits of successful people

Goals and Action Plans

  1. Establish Goal Ownership and Commitment
  2. Create Strategies and Action Plans for Goals
  3. Keep Score of Goals and Action Steps
  4. Use visualization techniques to maintain focus and to leverage the Law of Attraction

Accountability and Accomplishments

  1. Support Goals Completion Continuously
  2. Accountability Drives Accomplishments
  3. Acknowledge Efforts and Progress

Remember to focus on the energy your students emit, as well. It helps to think of motivation as a shower that fades after a few days, compared to inspiration which is like a fire that never burns out.

Learn more about how you can become a coach from my free online training The 7 Pillars of True Life Transformation.
